Wildfire Smog May Ignite Increased Heachache Risk


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Jun 09, 2023

Wildfire Smog May Ignite Increased Heachache Risk

by Liz Neporent

by Liz Neporent June 8, 2023 at 9:05 AM UTC

Clinical Relevance: Wildfire-related air pollution can increase risk of headache

Over the past few days, a blanket of orange smog from Canadian wildfires briefly gave New York City the distinction of having the worst air quality in the world. A recent study suggests it could also lead to a jump in emergency visits for headache.

Lower Manhattan via @Earthcam at 3:00pm. pic.twitter.com/KZbPtVxNuS

— New York Metro Weather (@nymetrowx) June 7, 2023

The authors of the recent Headache paper examined the records of nearly 10,000 Californians who went to the emergency department (ED) for headaches after being exposed to wildfire-polluted air for a short time. Most headache ED visits were by men – 76 percent. Over 40 percent were people between the ages of 35 and 54.

In the 15 year period the study covered, half of headache complaints were diagnosed as migraine. Another 40 percent were attributed to "other" types of headaches. Tension headaches made up about 10 percent of the cases.

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And in a first, the study also found a link between cluster headaches and wildfire smoke. Cluster headaches provoke an intense, one-sided pain around the eye that can last for up to 3 hours. This type of headache comes on rapidly and occurs sporadically in "clusters" followed by periods of remission. Hence the name "cluster."

In general, overall air pollution seemed to increase the risk for specific types of headaches. When the researchers factored in all types of particulates and not just what could be attributed to wildfire smog, they noted a 29 percent increase in the chance of ED visits for tension-type headaches. They didn't see the same level of increase for migraine, cluster headache, or any other kind of headache.

Why does wildfire pollution cause head pain? There's no definite answer.

According to an Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology study, wildfire smoke contains various harmful substances such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and other toxic gasses. These pollutants can be irritating and toxic when inhaled, which can lead to inflammation and oxidative stress associated with head pain.

Thick, dense smoke reduces the amount of oxygen available in the air as well. This can cause hypoxia, or oxygen deprivation. An inadequate supply of oxygen to the brain can cause a headache. Particulates and gasses in smoke can irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and sinuses, triggering a sinus or tension headache.

Worrying about property loss and overall climate anxiety and depression can also provoke a tension headache, according to the Headache researchers.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends you reduce your risk of headaches and other health effects from wildfire air pollution by taking the following steps:

Clinical Relevance: Wildfire-related air pollution can increase risk of headache