Syracuse donates bulletproof vests, helmets, medical supplies to Ukraine police, soldiers


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Nov 11, 2023

Syracuse donates bulletproof vests, helmets, medical supplies to Ukraine police, soldiers

Ukraine Focus CEO Brock Bierman and Syracuse Police Sgt. Jason Tom stand with

Ukraine Focus CEO Brock Bierman and Syracuse Police Sgt. Jason Tom stand with the over 200 bulletproof vests that will be donated to the Kyiv Police Department for distribution on the front lines in Eastern Ukraine. Anne Hayes | [email protected]

Syracuse, N.Y. — Syracuse Police Sgt. Jason Tom was talking to his brother-in-law -- who happens to be the state DEC commissioner -- about the devastation of the war in Ukraine when he was inspired to find a way to help.

His brother-in-law Basil Seggos, who had already made two trips to Ukraine, mentioned how they could connect with organizations in Ukraine to make a donation.

Tom said he thought of the hundreds of bulletproof vests that were collecting dust in the basement of the Public Safety Building in downtown Syracuse because they were past their warranty expiration date. Maybe they could be put to use in the Ukraine, he thought.

He pitched the idea to Syracuse Police Chief Joe Cecile and they took it to the Common Council for its approval.

On Thursday, over 200 ballistic protective devices including vests and helmets along with medical supplies from Syracuse police were donated to aid Ukrainian police officers and soldiers, Cecile said at a news conference Thursday.

Brock Bierman, chief executive officer of Ukraine Focus, will take the donation to the Kyiv Police Department which will distribute the vests to police and volunteers who have joined the soldiers fighting on the front lines in Eastern Ukraine, he said. Ukraine Focus is a non-profit providing humanitarian and medical aid to Ukraine.

Although some of the oldest bullet-proof vests are 5 years past their recommended expiry dates, they still can be used, Tom said.

Tom said he took some of the vests to a shooting range to test their strength and was pleasantly surprised they still held up against bullets. Some of the vests will not deflect rifle bullets but many retired SWAT vests have steel plates that offer added protection.

Syracuse police donated over 200 bulletproof vests, helmets and medical supplies to the Kyiv Police Department for distribution on the front lines in Eastern Ukraine. Anne Hayes | [email protected]

Despite their age, most of the vests are significantly newer than models currently being used on the front lines, said Bierman, who used to live in Syracuse. Some of the vests being used are from the Soviet era, he said. He has made 12 trips to Ukraine since the war began and has taken donations straight to the front lines.

"These are a gold standard to them," Beirman said as he held up a retired SWAT vest.

The Syracuse Police Department announced the donation at a news conference Thursday in the lobby of the Public Safety Building, 511 S. State St. The donation is a step toward strengthening the relationship between the city and Ukraine, they said.

Cecile honored Tom's role in setting up the donation and making connections they can continue to foster by offering more aid for the remainder of the conflict.

Along with the vests and helmets, the department also donated tourniquets, medical bags, burn kits and various first aid supplies., Cecile said.

Bierman's organization will also be sending an ambulance, bought through donations, to the front lines along with the vests.

After the news conference, Bierman, Tom, Seggos, Cecile and Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh loaded the ambulance with vests leaving barely enough room for the helmets and medical supplies in the front.

The donations should arrive in Ukraine in between 30 to 60 days, Bierman said.

Syracuse police donated over 200 bulletproof vests, helmets and medical supplies to the Kyiv Police Department for distribution on the front lines in Eastern Ukraine. Anne Hayes | [email protected]

Staff writer Anne Hayes covers breaking news, crime and public safety. Have a tip, a story idea, a question or a comment? You can reach her at [email protected].

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