Mum's rampage with 50,000


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May 11, 2023

Mum's rampage with 50,000

Mum Dawn Chaisty told her son's partner's family "You are all gonna die - just

Mum Dawn Chaisty told her son's partner's family "You are all gonna die - just watch I will get you all killed, I will come back" while pointing the stun gun at them

An overprotective mother went on a terrifying rampage with a 50,000-volt electronic stun gun after her son was locked up by police over a tiff with his girlfriend.

Dawn Chaisty threatened Gabrielle Sugden - the younger sister of her son's girlfriend - with the fully charged weapon after turning up at their home demanding to know why Josh Holden had been detained.

During a violent confrontation, 59-year-old Chaisty pointed the stun gun at Gabrielle as she stood at her front door.

Chaisty shouted at her: "You are a disgusting vile little girl."

She then stormed off adding. "You are all gonna die - just watch I will get you all killed, I will come back."

Police later swooped on Chaisty's home in Horwich, near Bolton, Greater Manchester and found the stun gun on her bed.

She later claimed she had acquired it for "protection" because she had once been a victim of a sexual assault.

No one was hurt in the incident but Gabrielle was said to be "shocked and frightened."

At Manchester Crown Court, Chaisty faced jail after she admitted possession of a prohibited weapon and common assault but she was ordered to complete a two-year community order after arguing she suffered from mental health problems.

The attack occurred at 11am on February 25, 2021, after Chaisty had learnt her son had been arrested and detained overnight by police investigating an incident involving Kirsty.

Robert Smith prosecuting said: "The defendant is the mother of Josh Holden and he at the time was the partner of Kirsty Sugden.

"During the evening of February 24 an incident involving Kirsty and Josh had resulted in Josh being detained overnight by the police.

"At around 11am the following morning, the defendant Dawn Chaisty attended at the home of Kirsty. When Kirsty's sister Gabrielle Sugden answered the door the defendant immediately asked, "what's gone on" in a calm voice."

"Gabrielle went inside to talk to her sister Kirsty, who then asked Gabrielle not to let the defendant into the house. But when Gabrielle told the defendant that her mum was at work and would not be back until later, the defendant became sarcastic in her response.

"She then became angry saying that she only wanted to know what had happened and "what has gone on." When she repeatedly demanded to know what had happened, she became increasingly angry and started to swear.

Because the defendant was raising her voice, Gabrielle closed the door so the children inside could not hear and told the defendant to get away, this time she did so with a raised voice.

"But at that stage, the defendant produced the stun gun. She was on the other side of the garden fence and Gabrielle was just outside her front door. The defendant then leaned towards Gabrielle and aggressively said: "Don't tell me what do and don't swear at me, you are a disgusting vile little girl" while holding the device, which appeared charged, towards Gabrielle.

"Gabrielle says that she was shocked and frightened and repeatedly told the defendant to go away before going back in the house.

But as the defendant walked away, she shouted: "You are all gonna die - just watch I will get you all killed, i will come back."

"In an interview, the defendant explained that her son had been arrested and she was concerned about his whereabouts. She denied leaving her house that day, saying that she had remained at home calling the police to find out what had happened to her son. She accepted the stun gun belonged to her.

"She said that she had it for her personal protection having previously been the victim of serious sexual violence. She denied taking the item outside her house."

Chaisty had a previous caution for possession of an offensive weapon in 2016.

Her counsel John Richards said: "Two years ago this lady was desperately needed help for her mental health, but she is now steady and stable with her medication and there has been no incidents since."

In sentencing, Judge Alan Conrad KC told Chaisty: "This was an unfortunate and serious matter between neighbours happening two years ago. Fortunately, there has been no unpleasantness since. I am not going to send you to prison today, a community order is better for society and for you."

Chaisty will also have to complete 30 rehabilitation activity days. The stun gun was forfeited, and an order was made for its destruction.

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